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Les livres Oracle en Anglais

2 livres et 1 critique, dernière mise à jour le 24 janvier 2020 , note moyenne : 5

  1. Database Cloud Storage : The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Sorage Management - Set Up and Maintain a Cloud-Based Data Management Solution
  2. Oracle 9i DBA Handbook - Implement Expert Administrative Solutions
couverture du livre Database Cloud Storage  : The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Sorage Management

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Database Cloud Storage : The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Sorage Management

Set Up and Maintain a Cloud-Based Data Management Solution

Public visé : Intermédiaire

Résumé de l'éditeur

Build and manage a scalable, highly available cloud storage solution.
Filled with detailed examples and best practices, this Oracle Press guide explains how to set up a complete cloud-based storage system using Oracle Automatic Storage Management. Find out how to prepare hardware, build disk groups, efficiently allocate storage space, and handle security.
Database Cloud Storage: The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Storage Management shows how to monitor your system, maximize throughput, and ensure consistency across servers and clusters.

  • Set up and configure Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    Discover and manage disks and establish disk groups
    Create, clone, and administer Oracle databases
    Consolidate resources with Oracle Private Database Cloud
    Control access, encrypt files, and assign user privileges
    Integrate replication, file tagging, and automatic failover
    Employ pre-engineered private cloud database consolidation tools
    Check for data consistency and resync failed disks

Édition : McGraw-Hill Osborne - 392 pages, 1re édition, 23 juin 2013

ISBN10 : 0071790152 - ISBN13 : 9780071790154

Oracle Press

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41.10 € TTC (prix éditeur 38.83 € TTC)
  1. Automatic Storage Management in a Cloud World
    ASM and Grid Infrastructure Stack
    ASM Instances
    ASM Disks and Disk Groups
    Managing Databases in ASM
    ASMLIB Concepts and Overview
    ASM Files, Aliases, and Security
    ASM Space Alocation and Rebalance
    ASM Operations
    ACFS Design and Deployment
    ACFS Data Services
    ASM Optimizaions in Oracle Engineered Solutions
    ASM Tools and Utilities
    Oracle 12c ASM : A new Frontier
    Best Pratices for Database Consolidation in Private Clouds
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Avatar de Fabien Celaia Fabien Celaia - Rédacteur/Modérateur
l 24/01/2020 à 16:18
Database Cloud Storage : The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Sorage Management
Set Up and Maintain a Cloud-Based Data Management Solution
Build and manage a scalable, highly available cloud storage solution.
Filled with detailed examples and best practices, this Oracle Press guide explains how to set up a complete cloud-based storage system using Oracle Automatic Storage Management. Find out how to prepare hardware, build disk groups, efficiently allocate storage space, and handle security.
Database Cloud Storage: The Essential Guide to Oracle Automatic Storage Management shows how to monitor your system, maximize throughput, and ensure consistency across servers and clusters.

  • Set up and configure Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    Discover and manage disks and establish disk groups
    Create, clone, and administer Oracle databases
    Consolidate resources with Oracle Private Database Cloud
    Control access, encrypt files, and assign user privileges
    Integrate replication, file tagging, and automatic failover
    Employ pre-engineered private cloud database consolidation tools
    Check for data consistency and resync failed disks

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couverture du livre Oracle 9i DBA Handbook

Note 5 drapeau CD-Rom
Détails du livre
Critiques (1)
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Oracle 9i DBA Handbook

Implement Expert Administrative Solutions

Public visé : Intermédiaire

Résumé de l'éditeur

This authorized guide from Oracle Press explains how implement all the new features of Oracle9i and manage a robust, high-performance Oracle database. You'll get new and revised material on installation, database creation, using STATSPACK, Recovery Manager, Oracle9i Application Server, external tables, flashback queries, and much more.

Édition : Oracle Press - 1008 pages, 1er novembre 2001

ISBN10 : 0070486743 - ISBN13 : 9780070486744

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45.53 € TTC (prix éditeur 53.56 € TTC) livraison gratuite !
  • Create and manage databases, using the Oracle9i Database Configuration Assistant
  • Monitor and tune file usage, transactions, queries, and memory
  • Implement rollback segments and system-managed undo
  • Handle application migration and online table evolution
  • Diagnose and optimize system performance with STATSPACK
  • Implement state-of-the-art auditing and security procedures
  • Automate backup and recovery operations, using RMAN
  • Implement partitions to manage VLDBs
  • Distribute computing power and share data across servers, using Oracle Net
  • Use Oracle9iAS services to improve flexibility, scalability, and availability
Critique du livre par la rédaction alfiroma le 1er janvier 2004
Très complet pour la partie architecture et gestion ; Bonne vue d'ensemble sur le tuning + backup/recover, oracle net ; Couvre Oracle 7.x, 8i, 9i.
Les Plus : très complet, très riche en informations , clair, contient une référence SQL des commandes pour DBA.
Les Moins : le prix, le volume quoique presque 1000 p.
Mon avis : Livre à lire absolument à condition d'avoir le temps et le courage d'aller au bout. Le livre est vraiment très bien fait, quand on ne comprends pas quelque chose un schéma ou un exemple est toujours là pour nous faire comprendre.

Je ne le recommanderais pas à quelqu'un qui désire une introduction sur Oracle car il est trop complet et le découragerait, mais plutôt a quelqu'un qui veut approfondir ses connaissances, après une formation par exemple.

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l 11/06/2014 à 9:50
Oracle 9i DBA Handbook
Implement Expert Administrative Solutions
This authorized guide from Oracle Press explains how implement all the new features of Oracle9i and manage a robust, high-performance Oracle database. You'll get new and revised material on installation, database creation, using STATSPACK, Recovery Manager, Oracle9i Application Server, external tables, flashback queries, and much more.

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